
Closer to Regions: Voluntary Firemen of the Year 2019 - NET4GAS's seventh year of partnership


Volunteer fire brigade units from all over the Czech Republic, who enlist their interventions and activities in this year's 9th Voluntary Firemen of the Year competition, can win new firefighting equipment. They can sign up from 10 April 2019 through 10 July 2019 via the electronic form at Individual applications will be evaluated by the expert committee. The finalists will be awarded a prestigious award - glass intervention helmet, material gifts and funds for the purchase of new fire equipment. Over the past years, almost 17 million crowns have been granted to volunteer firefighters for their professionally performed interventions and preventive activities thanks to their partners.

From April to August, the organizers will visit over 50 volunteer firefighters events throughout the Czech Republic. At these roadshows, it will be possible to get acquainted with detailed information of the entire award process and to see some of the prizes. The list of places is available at, where it is now possible to ask for a visit of representatives competition to a specific planned event. The award ceremony will take place in November in the presence of the Czech Television cameras.

Throughout the period of granting this extraordinary award to firefighters, its general partner has been GridServices, a member of innogy, who supplies volunteer firefighters with the necessary help and energy in the form of a financial contribution for a new intervention equipment. "When providing reliable gas supplies, our mechanics also meet volunteer firefighters. For example, we work together to restore supplies where their help is invaluable. We are pleased to be able to express our respect for their day-to-day, dedicated work," said Pavel Káčer, CEO of GridServices and a member of the expert jury.

Radek Benčík, the COO of NET4GAS and a member of the expert jury, also praised the cooperation with voluntary firefighters: "Firefighters are our main partner in ensuring the safety of natural gas transmission. We have been the main partner of the competition for seven years. Through it, we can thank firefighters for their work and contribution not only to our business, but also to the whole society."

The main partners of the Voluntary Firefighters 2019 are NET4GAS, Lesy ČR, ČEZ Foundation, Ford Motor Company and DCom. The partner structure is complemented by the Health Insurance Company of the Ministry of the Interior, GINA, E.ON Česká republika, BRNOCAR, Techsport, Teleskopické stožáry, Rescop and Víno Prokeš.

“In addition to volunteer firefighters, our partners deserve our thanks. Especially thanks to them, we will be able to award the 15 most professional interventions of municipal units and 15 exemplary and motivational activities of volunteer fire brigades for the ninth time,” said brig. gen. Mgr. Bc. Slavomír Bell, MSc., Deputy General Director of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic and vice-chairman of the expert jury of the competition. Other members of the jury include further professional firefighters, representatives of three volunteer fire brigade associations and two representatives of the partners of the competition.