
Closer to Knowledge: NET4GAS handed awards to students of the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague. The partnership will continue next year.


NET4GAS representatives have awarded a scholarship for academic excellence to another student of the Department of Gaseous and Solid Fuels and Air Protection, which is a part of the Faculty of Environmental Protection of the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague (KAP). Awards were also bestowed for semestral projects of the KAP's students in the master's program, research papers of doctoral students, achievements of technology laboratories, and projects entered in the contest held in the framework of the Student Science Conference. NET4GAS has been the KAP's general partner since 2012. To date, the company has disbursed scholarships for academic excellence to as many as 13 students and distributed awards for 135 student projects. The partnership program will continue in 2019.

"A partnership with a university field directly related to our business is a part of our corporate social responsibility and effective human resources strategy. Establishing a relationship with students already while they're studying is beneficial for both sides. On the one hand, students can gain valuable practical experience and skills, and on the other hand, our company can find talented, dedicated employees who are enthusiastic about working in the gas sector," explained Radka Vojtíková, Head of Human Resources at NET4GAS, adding, "Personally, I'm always pleased when a dedicated student enters our internship program and later becomes one of our dedicated employees."

"The long-term partnership with NET4GAS allows us not only to motivate students to study at our department, but also to improve the education in master's and doctoral programs in our field of study," added KAP Director Karel Ciahotný.

Aware of its social responsibility, NET4GAS is dedicated to its long-term philanthropy and sponsorship program. Active support is provided in three areas: environmental protection and nature conservation (NET4GAS Closer to Nature), education, training, and R&D (NET4GAS Closer to Knowledge), and community development (NET4GAS Closer to Regions). In addition to its partnership with the KAP, NET4GAS has since 2012 been a partner to the Czech Technical University in Prague in the framework of the Closer to Knowledge program. For additional information, visit the CSR/Corporate philanthropy section.

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