Environmental protection
Environmental protection is a top priority, and NET4GAS sees this as more than just a question of meeting statutory requirements. Protecting the environment is above all an aspect of the company’s corporate social responsibility – towards its suppliers, business partners, employees and all the other stakeholders involved. The company’s management has therefore adopted a long-term “Environmental protection policy”. Its environmental protection activities are guided by cutting-edge scientific knowledge, and it carefully selects environmentally friendly technologies. Protection of the environment is incorporated into all its procedures and decision-making processes.
NET4GAS strives to absolutely minimise the environmental impact of the operation of its gas transmission system. It exemplary fulfils its record of statutory compliance in the areas of nature conservation and landscape protection, emergency preparedness , prevention and remediation of environmental damage, integrated pollution prevention, prevention of air pollution, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, waste and water management and the handling of chemical products and mixtures.
- Operation of gas pipelines is environmentally friendly. For residents along the route, it poses no environmental or health risk.
- Energy produced from natural gas is nature-friendly.
- Pipelines are safely placed underground, and thus do not interfere with the natural landscape.
- Construction of pipelines meets in full demanding statutory approval processes, including a thorough assessment of the impact on the environment EIA. On its basis all the possible impacts of the construction and future operation of the pipeline are explored in detail, regarding public health and the environment with potential impacts on animals, plants, ecosystems, soil and plants, water, air, climate and landscape, natural resources, material assets, cultural monuments etc.
- Thanks to the protective gas pipeline zones, unique habitats occur near the pipelines, which see returning rare species of plants and animals.
- The regime in pipeline protection zones does not restrict planting and breeding activities.
- NET4GAS carefully monitors the state of nature and the environment before, during and after the completion of each construction.
- More than forty years of experience of NET4GAS guarantee reliability, safety and environmental friendliness.
NET4GAS has a sense of responsibility for environmental protection during its operations that goes beyond what is required by law. It owns and operates unique specialised technology for the maintenance of gas installations and infrastructure, and also has qualified professionals with the requisite know-how. This equipment allows operators to minimise, or practically reduce to zero, the volume of gas which would otherwise have to be released into the air during scheduled pipeline repairs. Thanks to its sophisticated use of T. D. Williamson drilling, tapping and plugging machines and a mobile compressor station during scheduled pipeline repairs, NET4GAS is one of the leading European gas transmission system operators in the field of environmental protection as regards minimising the quantity of gas released into the air. NET4GAS also offers the use of its unique technology to other gas infrastructure operators (read more in section Supplementary services).
Friendly corporate culture covering recycling, energy conservation and other environmentally friendly activities are an everyday part of NET4GAS operations. Last but not least, the company also supports projects aimed at nature conservation and environmental protection with its programme “NET4GAS Closer to Nature” (read more in the section Corporate philanthropy).
NET4GAS is fully aware of our corporate social responsibility, and strictly follows an environmental policy committed to both present and future generations.