Ethical behaviour
NET4GAS has internal control principles in place as a preventive measure, and as a means to achieve better results. Ethical behaviour principles represent their inherent part.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct is one of the key management documents of NET4GAS. The behaviour of NET4GAS and its employees is based on personal responsibility, honesty, loyalty, and respect for others and the environment. Role of the Compliance Officer for ethical affairs is performed in NET4GAS by Barbora Bořková, Head of Human Resources (T: +420 220 225 391, E: barbora.borkova@net4gas.cz).
The Ombudsman in this context is an independent position which chiefly involves collecting complaints and information relating to fraudulent activities, suspected fraudulent activities or to activities which are in conflict with the company’s internal regulations or the law. The Ombudsman evaluates these submissions before convening an investigation committee, whose role is to make an independent assessment and evaluation and then propose corrective measures. The Ombudsman may be contacted by the employees of NET4GAS as well as parties outside the company.
The position of Ombudsman is performed for NET4GAS by a law firm. It provides confidential and anonymous services covering the acceptance, assessment and investigation reports concerning any conduct of NET4GAS employees which a supplier, customer, partner or other third party considers to be in conflict with the NET4GAS Code of Conduct or contrary to commercial practice or good morals, as a consequence of which damage might be incurred both at NET4GAS and at the notifier or a third party. All the information which the Ombudsman obtains from the notifier is forwarded for further investigation to the management of NET4GAS in a form preserving the notifier’s anonymity. The Ombudsman will inform NET4GAS of the notifier’s identity only with the notifier’s express consent.
Email: n4gombudsman@whitecase.com
Tel.: +420 800 884 444 (free)
Calls taken: 09:00 – 18:00 on working days
Voice recorder:
(max. length of message 15 minutes)
18:00 – 09:00 on working days
24 hours a day on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
Whistleblower Protection
NET4GAS, s.r.o. fulfills the requirements to which it is subject under Act No. 171/2023 Coll. on the Protection of Whistleblowers, as in effect (hereinafter referred to as "Whistleblower Protection Act"), by establishing an internal whistleblowing system, the operation of which has been assigned to an independent person, specifically:
JUDr. Ivo Janda, Ph.D., Attorney, Czech Bar Association License No. 11146, with registered office at White & Case, s.r.o., advokátní kancelář, Na příkopě 14, 110 00 Prague 1 (hereinafter referred to as "competent person").
In his absence and in the cases referred to in Article 3, Paragraph 4 of the internal Whistleblower Protection Policy, the competent person is substituted by Mgr. Magda Olyšarová, LL.M., Attorney, Czech Bar Association License No. 12600, with registered office at White & Case, s.r.o., advokátní kancelář, Na příkopě 14, 110 00 Prague 1.
The competent person receives reports in writing or verbally, by telephone or through the voice messaging system using the following contact information:
whistleblowing.N4G@whitecase.com Mark the report "Strictly Confidential" |
Phone |
+420 255 771 237 (JUDr. Ivo Janda, Ph.D.) +420 255 771 248 (Mgr. Magda Olyšarová, LL.M.) |
Telephone line for voice messaging | +420 255 771 177 |
Address for submitting the report / Address for submitting the report in person |
JUDr. Ivo Janda, Ph.D., or Mgr. Magda Olyšarová, LL.M. White & Case, s.r.o., Attornys´s Na příkopě 854/14, Nové Město 110 00 Prague 1 Czech Republic
Mark the report "For the hands of the Competent Person only". |
Contact details for arranging an appointment to submit the report in person |
+420 255 771 237 (JUDr. Ivo Janda, Ph.D.) +420 255 771 248 (Mgr. Magda Olyšarová, LL.M.) E-mail: whistleblowing.N4G@whitecase.com |
At the whistleblower's request, the competent person must receive a whistleblower report in person within a commensurate time limit, but no later than 14 days after a request to that effect is made by the whistleblower.
Reports may be submitted through the internal whistleblowing system only by the persons referred to in Section 2, Paragraph 3, Subsections a), b), h), and i) of the Whistleblower Protection Act.
The rules for protecting whistleblowers and the process for submitting whistleblower reports within the meaning of the Whistleblower Protection Act are subject to an internal policy of NET4GAS, s.r.o.