Emergency rules
Emergency procedures for problems with capacity booking or nomination
If you experience problems regarding:
- The unavailability of the PRISMA or GSA auction platforms (particularly in urgent situations concerning day-ahead or same-day auctions),
- Capacities offered by NET4GAS in the auctions held on the PRISMA and GSA platforms,
- Auctions in the CAMS system for transmission to/from gas storage facilities, or
- Nominations,
immediately contact the Commercial Management Department by sending an e-mail to capacitybooking@net4gas.cz. Kindly provide a description of the problem, including a screenshot of the error message, in your e-mail message.
In addition to contacting us by e-mail, please, call our Client and Contract Management team. You can find the phone numbers here.
If you experience problems after 4 pm on a work day, on weekends, and during official holidays, please, call the Commercial Dispatching directly at +420 220 225 970 or +420 739 536 629.