

The main role of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG) is to facilitate and reinforce cooperation among transmission system operators throughout Europe with the aim of promoting the prosperous development of the pan-European transmission system in accordance with European laws and the main targets laid down in the EU's energy policy. The ENTSOG achieves the foregoing goals by:

Promoting the completion of the creation of the internal gas market and stimulating cross-border trade,
Ensuring the effective management and coordinated operation of the European gas transmission network,
Facilitating the sound development of technology deployed in the European gas transmission network.

The ENTSOG's main responsibilities laid down in Regulation (EC) No. 715/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 include preparing:

  • Network codes, where the objective is to provide and manage effective and transparent cross-border access to transmission systems and to secure coordinated planning and the sound technical development of the European Union's transmission system, including the creation of interconnection capacities that include the following areas:
    • Network safety and reliability rules;
    • Network connection rules;
    • Third-party access rules;
    • Billing and data transfer rules;
    • Interoperability rules;
    • Emergency response procedures;
    • Capacity allocation and congestion rules;
    • Trading rules for technology and operations relating to network access and network balancing services;
    • Transparency rules;
    • Balancing rules, including network-related nomination procedures, balancing fee rules, and rules for operational balancing between transmission system operators;
    • Harmonized transmission tariff structure rules; and
    • Energy efficiency of gas transmission systems.
  • A non-binding 10-year network development plan applicable throughout the EU, where the objective is to guarantee greater transparency in the development of the gas transmission system in the European Union. The network development plan includes functional gas transmission systems and the necessary regional interconnectors, where such systems and such interconnectors are of important from the commercial point of view or with respect to security of supply. The plan also includes a forecast of the adequacy of gas supplies in Europe.
  • Yearly summer and winter supply outlooks.

The ENTSOG also runs the Transparency Platform, which publishes information on capacities, nominations, flows, and tariffs for specific border points between transmission systems in Europe.

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