Incremental capacity process in 2019
The outcome of 2019 incremental capacity process are the projects of new capacity with Austria and Poland with the detailed information available under the following links:
- Incremental capacity project: Czech-Austrian connection
- Incremental capacity project: Czech-Polish connection
Public consultation finished
NET4GAS together with the respective adjacent gas transmission system operators carried out from 14 January 2020 to 14 February 2020 a public consultation for incremental capacity projects at the Austrian and the Polish border. NET4GAS received one comment from the market on the incremental capacity project on the border between the Czech Republic and Austria. You can find the respective document under this article. NET4GAS did not receive any comment on the incremental capacity project on the border between the Czech Republic and Poland.
Public consultation – Incremental capacity projects
In accordance with Article 27 of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on capacity allocation mechanisms NET4GAS in cooperation with Gas Connect Austria and with Gaz-System launches public consultations for incremental capacity projects on the border between the Czech Republic and Austria, and Poland respectively. (Please see the consultation documents below.)
- Consultation document for incremental capacity project on the border between the Czech Republic and Austria;
- Annex 1 to the Consultation document
- Consultation document for incremental capacity project on the border between the Czech Republic and Poland;
- Annex 1 to the Consultation document
- Annex 2 to the Consultation document
Both incremental capacity projects were prepared during the design phase started on 21 October 2019 in response to non-binding demand indications received by above mentioned TSOs from the market during the process of Market Demand Assessment. (Please see the Market Demand Assessment Reports below.)
Network Users are invited to comment on the attached consultation documents. The auction of the incremental capacity is planned to be held during the yearly capacity auction in July 2021.
All comments should be send to capacitybooking@net4gas.cz until 14 February 2020 (including).
Market demand assessment reports (MDAR)
In accordance with the Article 26 of the NC CAM, NET4GAS and the adjacent transmission system operators have given network users the option to submit non-binding indicative bids with the aim of quantifying the potential demand for incremental capacity.
Based on the demand from network users, the transmission system operators have prepared the joint market assessment reports on the potential need for incremental capacity and indicating whether or not the relevant incremental capacity project will be launched in 2019.
In line with the NC CAM, the transmission system operators on each side of the entry-exit system will prepare further joint market assessment reports no later than sixteen weeks after the beginning of the annual capacity auction in 2021.