Incremental capacity process in 2017
In accordance with Article 26 NC CAM, NET4GAS and transmission system operators in neighbouring countries have given network users the option to submit non-binding indicative bids with the aim of quantifying the potential demand for incremental capacity.
Considering that this assessment of market demand has resulted in the launch of no project aimed at securing incremental capacity, no further measures have been taken with regard to that incremental capacity cycle. Decisions taken in this regard concerned one specific incremental capacity cycle. In accordance with the amended version of NC CAM, the first ever assessment of demand carried out in accordance with NC CAM was performed in 2017. Summary reports on the assessment of market demand have been posted on the ENTSOG website and on the websites of the transmission system operators concerned.
NC CAM requires transmission system operators on each side of the entry-exit border system to prepare joint market assessment reports no later than sixteen weeks after the beginning of the annual capacity auction in 2019.
Additional information
- Description of the Procedure for Setting Incremental Capacity as per Chapter V NC CAM