News for shippers
14.01.2016 Capacity4Gas market survey
To complement the network development planning procedure, NET4GAS as the exclusive gas transmission system operator in the Czech Republic, is launching a non-binding market survey.
03.01.2016 Údržba plynovodu DN 700
Oznámení plánované údržby plynovodu DN 700 v úseku z Mutěnic do Libhoště
02.01.2016 Competing capacities
Competing capacities at the Hora Sv. Kateřiny and Hora Sv. Kateřiny – Olbernhau entry points
01.11.2015 Capacity booking platforms
Information about capacity booking regime at NET4GAS cross-border interconnection points from 1.11.2015.
Incremental capacity process 2019
NET4GAS announces that the incremental capacity process 2019 has been launched on 1 July 2019.
TRU service offer in quarterly auction
NET4GAS and Gas Connect Austria offer the remaining TRU service quantity as a quarterly service. The bidding window for the quarterly auction will open until 05 November 2018, 12:00 CE(S)T.