
Prices for border points

Firm price component for 2024

The firm annual prices for 2024 for booked transmission capacity for specific entry and exit points to and from the transmission system are listed below and also in Part Two, Article 2.1. of the Price Decision No. 1/2023 dated 2 June 2023. The firm annual price for 2024 for booked transmission capacity for exit border point Český Těšín has been adjusted by the Price Decision No. 2/2024 dated 25 June 2024 and decreased from 10 208,39 CZK/MWh/day to 6 500,00 CZK/MWh/day. This change is effective as of 1 July 2024.

Border Point

Annual price for firm reserved transmission capacity Cr in CZK/MWh/day





6 714,53

Český Těšín


6 500,00

VIP Brandov

1 054,24

7 210,38

VIP Waidhaus

1 124,28

3 694,01

Multipliers applied to the annual rates for setting quarterly, monthly, daily, and within-day prices are also listed in Part Two of the above mention price decision No. 1/2023 for year 2024.

The firm price for booked firm yearly, quarterly, and monthly transmission capacity is calculated using the following formula:

Cs = Cr x Fc + AP





Firm annual price per 1 MWh of booked daily firm transmission capacity:

Fc is the factor of duration of the reservation of standard firm transmission capacity, that is defined by following formulas:


For standard annual firm capacity:
Fc = 1


For standard quarterly firm capacity:
Fc = D/PDr × 1.1


For standard monthly firm capacity:
Fc = D/PDr × 1.25,


D is the number of gas days of the capacity product duration 
PDr is the number of days of given calendar year



Auction premium in CZK per MWh per day attained in a transmission capacity auction


The starting price in auction for reserved daily and within-day transmission capacity is calculated using the following formula:

for standard daily firm capacity
Cvyd = 1 / PDr × 1.5 × Cr,,


and for standard intra-day firm capacity
Cvyvd = 1 / PDr × 1.7 × Cr,


PDr is the number of days of given calendar year


These prices are the starting point for transmission capacity auctions on the PRISMA and GSA auction platforms.

Firm price component for 2025

The firm annual price for the booked transmission capacity for the entry and exit border points of the transmission systém for the calendar year 2024 was laid down by the Energy Regulatory Office in the Price Decision No. 1/2024 dated 31 May 2024.

Variable price component for 2024

The variable price component for 2024 in CZK per transmitted MWh applies only to exit border points and is stated in the Article 7.1 of the Price Decision No. 4/2023 dated 29 November 2023.

For exit border points, the variable price per MWh nominated for gas transmission via a given exit point from the transmission system is equal to 0.0058 x COTE.


 COTE  - refers to the OTE index for the given gas day. Its value is published every day at the OTE website in part Intra-Day Market results. In case the price for the current gas day is not available, the value of the latest published price will apply.

 The daily price in EUR/MWh is converted to CZK/MWh using the day's EUR/CZK exchange rate announced by the CNB for the current gas day D.

 The variable price component for 2025 will be set by the Energy Regulatory Office in the new price decision in November 2024


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