Border points
Booking procedure
Transmission capacity for all border points, with the exception of the Czech-Polish border point, is offered through the PRISMA auction booking platform. Transmission capacity for the Czech-Polish border point is offered through the GSA auction booking platform.
Users wishing to book capacity must register with the applicable platform. Registration is subject to approval by NET4GAS. Users who wish to register must have access to the CAMS system.
NET4GAS sells transmission capacity for the following border points:
Entry Border Points
- Lanžhot
- VIP Brandov – GASPOOL
- VIP Waidhaus
- Český Těšín
Exit Border Points
- Lanžhot
- VIP Brandov – GASPOOL
- VIP Waidhaus
- Český Těšín
Following the implementation of the Virtual Border Points VIP Brandov – GASPOOL and VIP Waidhaus, the transmission capacities for the border points of Hora Svaté Kateřiny, Hora Svaté Kateřiny - Olbernhau, Brandov - OPAL, Brandov – STEGAL, Brandov – EUGAL and Waidhaus are not offered as of 1 November 2018, resp. 1 March 2019.
Product types by duration
Auctions of firm capacity at border points are organized on the applicable booking platform on dates and at times determined in accordance with NC CAM (Articles 11-15) and in accordance with the Gas Market Rules (Articles 18-19):
- Annual products – Auctions are held regularly once per year always on the first Monday in July. Annual auctions are used to offer transmission capacity for a minimum of the following five gas years.
- Quarterly products – Auctions are held four times a year. Quarterly auctions are used to offer products for the individual quarters of a given gas year.
- Capacity for Q1-Q4 of a gas year – first Monday in August
- Capacity for Q2-Q4 of a gas year – first Monday in November
- Capacity for Q3-Q4 of a gas year – first Monday in February
- Capacity for Q4 of a gas year – first Monday in May
- Monthly products – An auction is held on the third Monday of a given month for the following month.
- Day-ahead products – An auction is held once a day for the following gas day. Auctions are held at 4:30 p.m.
- Within-day products – An auction is held every hour in the course of a given gas day D. The first bidding round begins at 7:00 p.m. CET and ends at 2:30 a.m. of the preceding gas day. Subsequent bidding rounds begin at the top of every hour and last 30 minutes. The last bidding round ends at 1:30 a.m. on the applicable gas day. The gas transmission under within-day products begins at H+4 after the respective auction and lasts until the end of the applicable gas day.
Interruptible capacity for annual, quarterly, and monthly products is always offered after the end of the applicable firm capacity auction, but only if the applicable standard annual, quarterly, or monthly firm capacity product was sold at an auction premium, was sold out, or was not offered.
Day-ahead interruptible capacity is always offered after the end of a day-ahead firm capacity auction. Day-ahead interruptible capacity may only be offered by means of over-nomination.