Transmission system information
What are the border points of NET4GAS’s transmission system?
The entry and exit points of the NET4GAS transmission system are listed in the tables below. Bundled and unbundled capacities for each of the border points are available under their names on the auction platforms.
Lanžhot | 21Z000000000061Z |
Hora Sv. Kateřiny | 21Z0000000000228 |
Hora Sv. Kateřiny – Olbernhau | 21Z000000000092O |
Waidhaus | 21Z0000000000236 |
BRANDOV – OPAL | 21Z000000000242V |
BRANDOV – EUGAL | 21Z0000000004839 |
Český Těšín | 21Z000000000239K |
VIP Brandov | 21Z0000000004863 |
VIP Waidhaus | 21Z000000000489Y |
Lanžhot | 21Z000000000061Z |
Hora Sv. Kateřiny | 21Z0000000000228 |
BRANDOV – STEGAL | 21Z000000000091Q |
BRANDOV – OPAL | 21Z000000000242V |
Waidhaus | 21Z0000000000236 |
Český Těšín | 21Z000000000239K |
BRANDOV – EUGAL | 21Z0000000004839 |
Border Point TRU | 27Z-TRU--CZ-AT-5 |
VIP Brandov | 21Z0000000004863 |
VIP Waidhaus | 21Z000000000489Y |
Where can I find information about technical and available capacities?
Available NET4GAS capacities can be found here. Other information about the transmission system, including historical capacity utilization and information about shutdowns. is also published on our website.
For more information about the European TSOs and border points, visit the ENTSOG Transparency Platform website. There you may find information about the physical flows of gas, capacities, tariffs, etc.
The history of marketable capacities for each border point is also available on the auction platforms.
Where can I see the scheduled shutdowns on the NET4GAS website?
Information about scheduled shutdowns, including the history of shutdowns, can be found here.