
Czech gas transmission in brief

General information

A contractual relationship with NET4GAS is needed in case you want to:

  • Import and/or export gas through the Czech entry and exit border points
  • Use storage in the Czech Republic

Contractual process

Capacity booking process

  • The general rules and conditions for capacity booking are set by the decree Gas Market Rules (Sections 9 - 19) and in the Capacity Allocation Mechanism Network Code
  • Capacity booking at border points:
    • Border transmission capacity is sold on the PRISMA platform (used for all Czech border points except for Poland) and / or on the GSA platform (used for the Czech/Polish border point).
    • Registration on the respective capacity booking platform is needed. The registration is subject to NET4GAS approval as an access to the NET4GAS CAMS system is required.
  • Capacity booking at underground storage points:
    • A contract with NET4GAS and the respective Storage System Operator (SSO) is required.
    • The storage transmission capacity is sold through the NET4GAS CAMS system. 
    • Storage capacity is offered in auctions organized by the respective SSO. 

Gas transmission prices in the Czech Republic

Nomination proces

  • The nominations are submitted under the respective shipper pair
  • A shipper pair is created as a compilation of the two shipper codes.
  • Shipper codes are assigned by NET4GAS and the adjacent system operator at the respective interconnection point. Shipper code from NET4GAS can be found in the CAMS system. 

Other relevant information

Trading activity at the Czech Virtual Trading Point – conditions

  • A gas trading licence is required.
    • Issued by the ERO – for information about the licence department, please follow this link
    • Granted in accordance with the Energy Act (Sections 4 – 11)
  • Fulfil all obligations given by the legislation, especially the Energy Act (overview of shipper’s duties in  Section 61).
  • The respective rules incl. balancing conditions, shippers’ tolerances, etc. are laid down in the Gas Market Rules.
  • Czech market operator (OTE) registration – for requirements, please follow this link. The Agreement on Settlement of Imbalances needs to be signed by the OTE as the market operator is responsible for gas market balancing. 
