
RWE Transgas is getting ready for unbundling

The General Meeting of RWE Transgas, a.s. has appointed three new members of the Board of Directors. Two new departments have been established within the Board of Directors within the process of responsibility restructuring, forming a base for the future Transmission System Operator ...
Milan Kajtman, Filip Thon and Frank-Detlef Drake are new BOD members

The General Meeting of RWE Transgas, a.s. has appointed three new members of the Board of Directors. Two new departments have been established within the Board of Directors within the process of responsibility restructuring, forming a base for the future Transmission System Operator (TSO). The Company's new organisation structure will now make it possible to meet the unbundling requirement, i.e., split the Company in terms of legal independence and organisation structure as of January 1, 2006.

“RWE Transgas is going through extensive internal reorganisation. All of the changes are made to meet the obligation of splitting the Company into two independent entities,” said Dr. Ulrich Jobs, Chairman of the Board of Directors, RWE Transgas.

Milan Kajtman, one of the new RWE TG BOD members, is going to lead the CCO Division (Chief Commercial Officer) responsible for National Sales.

Dr. Filip Thon, another new BOD member, is going to take over the CSO Division (Chief Services Officer) from Milada Vlasáková. As of this date, M. Vlasáková is leaving the Board of Directors and is going to become a member of the RWE Transgas Supervisory Board. The Board of Directors thanked M. Vlasáková for her long-time work in the Company management at today's BOD meeting.

Appointed as of September 1, the third new BOD member is Dr. Frank-Detlef Drake, who will be responsible for the newly established division of Portfolimanagement – Purchase (CPO Chief Procurement Officer).

The changes in BOD include the establishment of two divisions that are going to be the cornerstones of the future Transmission System Operator (TSO) from January 1, 2006 - TSO Capacity led by Prof. Dr. Klaus Homann, Member of the Board of Directors, and TSO Operation led by Jan Nehoda, Member of the Board of Directors.


RWE Transgas Board of Directors from September 1, 2005

  • Dr. Ulrich Jobs – Chairman of the Board of Directors /CEO
  • Martin Herrmann – Vice-chairman of the Board of Directors /CFO
  • Milan Kajtman – Member of the Board of Directors /CCO
  • Dr. Frank-Detlef Drake - Member of the Board of Directors/CPO
  • Dr. Filip Thon – Member of the Board of Directors /CSO
  • Prof. Dr. Klaus Homann – Member of the Board of Directors /TSO Capacity
  • Jan Nehoda – Member of the Board of Directors /TSO Operation

Martin Chalupský

RWE Transgas, a.s., Spokesperson

T 267 974 464, F 267 976 971, E

RWE Transgas, a.s., is the managing company of the RWE Energy AG division in the Czech Republic controlling the import and transit of natural gas. The activities of RWE Transgas include the co-ordination of gas distribution through six regional gas distribution companies (Západočeská plynárenská, a.s., Severočeská plynárenská, a.s., Východočeská plynárenská, a.s., Středočeská plynárenská, a.s., Severomoravská plynárenská, a.s., and Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s.).

RWE Energy is the RWE concern’s distribution and network company for continental Europe. RWE Energy provides electricity, gas, water and related services “at one hand” in total twelve regions of which six are located in Germany.


Profiles of the new members of the RWE Transgas Board of Directors

Milan Kajtman - graduated from VŠE Prague (University of Economics), spent many years in the banking sector, has been working in the gas industry for five years; 2000 - Ferngas AG Linz (Austria); later a BOD Member at Jihočeská plynárenská, a.s. responsible for sales and marketing; January 2005 - Head of Natural Gas National Sales at RWE Energy CR.

Dr. Filip Thon – graduated from VŠCHT Prague (Institute of Chemical Technology, ICT), majored in gas industry management, Doctor's Degree at VŠB Ostrava; 1995 - Accenture GmbH in Frankfurt, Germany, consultant for development and implementation of strategies and extensive restructuring projects for major European energy and gas companies; mid-2004 - responsible for organisational development of the RWE Group companies in the Czech Republic and for the management of shared services.

Dr. Frank-Detlef Drake – majored in machinery and technology at the Hannover University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA); 1995 - Doctor's Degree at the Thermodynamics Institute, Hamburg University; 1995 – 2002 – McKinsey & Company consultant (partner in 2001) specialising in the energy and chemical industries; late 2002 - RWE, Head of the Power Plants Division at RWE Rheinbraun, after the RWE Rheinbraun - RWE Power merger Head of the Asset Management Department at RWE Power AG.