
RWE Transgas splits into two companies

RWE Transgas splits into two companies
By the legal separation of transmission of natural gas from trading the company complies with legal requirements
RWE Transgas is now only a regular trader in natural gas

On the basis of the requirements of the directive of the European Union and amended Energy Act, RWE Transgas, a.s. has been split into two legally separate and independently operating parts. As of the New Year it has ceased to perform the role of transmission system operator, which has now been taken over by the company RWE Transgas Net, s.r.o., and it operates exclusively as a gas trader. The separation of the company, or legal unbundling, should ensure the equality of all importers and traders on the natural gas market, and it is associated with the liberalisation process.


“The removal of natural gas transmission from the integrated company which RWE Transgas had been was demanding. I am glad that we succeeded in managing everything well and by the designated deadlines,” said Dr. Ulrich Jobs, chairman of the board of directors of RWE Transgas, a.s. “As part of the preparation for unbundling, we had to separate the accounts, information systems and organisational structure. Amongst other things, it has meant many new costs for us. Their level is approximately one hundred million crowns,” added Jobs.


There will be another change in the organisation of the natural gas market in the Czech Republic on 1st January 2007. In view of the legally given duty of legal separation, the regional distribution companies will also be separated into two independent parts. And so even at the level of the individual regions, independent operators of the transmission system and gas traders will operate separately.


New composition of board of directors of RWE Transgas, a.s., after unbundling:

Dr. Ulrich Jobs, CEO, chairman of board of directors

Martin Herrmann, CFO, deputy chairman of board of directors

Dr. Filip Thon, CSO, member of board of directors

Milan Kajtman, CCO, member of board of directors

Dr. Frank-Detlef Drake, CPO, member of board of directors



Martin Chalupský

RWE Transgas, a.s., Spokesperson

T 267 974 464, F 267 976 971, E



RWE Transgas, a.s., is the managing company of the RWE Energy AG division in the Czech Republic controlling the import of natural gas. The activities of RWE Transgas include the co-ordination of gas distribution through six regional gas distribution companies (Západočeská plynárenská, a.s., Severočeská plynárenská, a.s., Východočeská plynárenská, a.s., Středočeská plynárenská, a.s., Severomoravská plynárenská, a.s., and Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s.).


RWE Energy is the RWE concern’s distribution and network company for continental Europe. RWE Energy provides electricity, gas, water and related services “at one hand” in total twelve regions of which six are located abroad.