Development plans
European Ten Year Network Development Plan
The preparation of a European Ten Year Network Development Plan is required by Regulation (EC) No 715/2009. This plan is published every two years by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG), and its aims are to provide consistent information about the development of European transmission systems, along with identifying potential future investment needs. The plan also offers a broader view of the development of the gas market, and includes an analysis of the security of supplies. (Available in English only.)
Gas Regional Investment Plans
The Gas Regional Investment Plans (GRIPs) are prepared as requirements to promote regional cooperation, which is enshrined in EU Directive 2009/73/EC, Article 7 and in REG 715/2009, Article 12. The GRIPs provide a specific view emphasizing the regional gas infrastructure outlook, regional specific assessments and a basis for the identification of potential future gas infrastructure needs in each region.
There are currently six regional groupings:
- GRIP North-West (NW)
- GRIP South
- GRIP Central Eastern Europe (CEE)
- GRIP Southern Corridor
- GRIP South-North Corridor
The most up-to-date versions of the GRIPs, including all annexes, can be downloaded from the website of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG) here.
The transmission system operator in the Czech Republic is part of the regional grouping for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE GRIP) and North-West (NW GRIP).
Czech Ten-Year Network Development Plan
The Czech Ten-Year Network Development Plan is prepared by the transmission system operator on a yearly basis as required in Section 58k of the Energy Act. The objective of this plan is to analyse the development of peak daily and annual consumption and the sufficiency of the Czech Republic’s entry and exit capacity. The plan outlines implemented and forthcoming investment projects which increase network capacity, and provides an analysis of the security of supplies. (Available in Czech only.)
► Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2025-2034
The final draft of the document submitted on 31. 10. 2024 to MIT and ERO.
► Czech Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2024 - 2033
Document approved by the ERO on 3.1.2024.
► Czech Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2023 - 2032
Document approved by the ERO on 29.12.2022
► Czech Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2022 - 2031
Document approved by the ERO on 10.12.2021.
► Czech Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2021 - 2030
Document approved by the ERO on 14.12.2020.
► Czech Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2020 - 2029
Document approved by the ERO on 17.12.2019.
► Czech Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2019 - 2028
Document approved by the ERO on 19.12.2018.
► Czech Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2018 - 2027
Document approved by the ERO on 18.1.2019.
► Czech Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2017 - 2026
► Czech Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2016 - 2025
Document approved by the ERO on 13.1.2016.