General Information for Applicants
The process of establishing a connection to the transmission system officially begins by submitting a Request for Connection to the Transmission System. The request form is available here. Provided that all of the requirements laid down under Regulation No. 488/2021 Coll. and the Network Code are complied with, NET4GAS will present the applicant with a draft Transmission System Connection Agreement within 120 days after the submission of a connection request. The preparation of a connection project will begin after entry into the connection agreement.
Before you submit a connection request, we recommend that you read the general connection conditions and requirements. Considering the time necessary for obtaining official permits, planning and construction, the connection to the transmission system can last as long as several years. To ensure that your planned timetable can be met, communication regarding the options for building a network connection should begin sufficiently in advance.
If you are interested in detailed information on available options for building a connection to the transmission system, do not hesitate to contact us using the contacts provided here. We will be happy to provide a detailed explanation of the technical aspects and options for your connection to the transmission system, and we will assist you in completing a connection request.