
Connection Conditions

Where are the conditions for connection to the transmission system defined?  

The general legal framework for the connection process is laid down under Act No. 458/2000 Coll., on Business Conditions and Public Administration in the Energy Sectors and on Amendment to Certain Acts (Energy Act).

From the viewpoint of a new customer, the key procedural aspects of building a connection to the transmission system are laid down in two basic documents, specifically: 

  • Regulation No. 488/2021 Coll.

To be connected to the transmission system, a new customer must enter into an Agreement on Connection to the Transmission System. The conditions for connection to the transmission system are laid down in the current version of the Regulation No. 488/2021 Coll., on Conditions for Connection to the Transmission System.

  • Conditions for Connection to the Transmission System

Conditions for connection to the transmission system are laid down in Annex 4 to the Network Code

What are the main conditions for connection to the transmission system?

  • Submission of a Connection Request.
  • Projected minimum power output corresponding to total annual consumption of 10,000 MWh per year.
  • Connection of the facility must not endanger the safe and reliable operation of the transmission system.
  • Entry into a connection agreement between the applicant and the Transmission System Operator.

What do I need to know before filing a connection request?

Before submitting a connection request, you have to answer the following questions in order to ensure that you comply with the conditions for connection to the transmission system and that you have the documents that must be enclosed with the connection request: 

  • Does the projected minimum power output of the facility that I plan to connect correspond to total annual consumption of 10,000 MWh per year?
  • What will the minimum and maximum daily and hourly offtake be of the connected facility?
  • What minimum pressure do I need for the newly installed technology?
  • Do I have a technical description of the facility that I want to connect?
  • Do I know the exact address, including the plot number, where the connected facility is located and where the new transfer point will be built?
  • Am I the owner of the land, or do I hold another legal right to the land that authorizes me to build the connected facility and the transfer point?
  • Do I know the date on which I plan to commence operation of the facility that is to be connected?

The documents that have to be enclosed with the connection request include:

  • A technical drawing overlaying the cadastral map showing the facility to be connected, the transfer point, and all potentially affected structures and nearby roads, as well as showing relevant safety corridors and protection zones (the recommended scale is 1:5,000).
  • Extract from the Commercial Register.

What do I have to build and what will be built by NET4GAS?

Apart from building and getting the new facility ready for connection to the transmission system, you, as the applicant, must build the transfer point/station, in which NET4GAS will install its commercial metering, IT, and data transmission systems. If pressure regulation is required, you will also have to build the regulating station.

The new pipeline will be built and, if necessary, the existing transmission system will be reinforced by NET4GAS.   

Your share, as the applicant, in the costs incurred by the Transmission System Operator in establishing a connection to the transmission system is defined in the Annex No. 8 to Regulation No. 488/2021.